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公元794年,日本桓武天皇时期,京都长冈被其胞弟早良亲王怨灵诅咒,天灾人祸不断。桓武天皇被迫迁都平安京,由此开启四百年平安时代序幕。彼时权贵内部斗争激烈,人民生活疾苦,世间因此怨灵丛生,人、鬼与怪物屏息同栖。隶属于宫廷阴阳寮的阴阳师们,作为平衡天、地、人、鬼间矛盾的存在,自此活跃在历史舞台上,其中最为耀眼的便是身世成谜的安倍晴明(野村万斋 饰)。右近卫中将源博雅(伊藤英明 饰)受托拜访安倍晴明,被所目睹的奇异景象及晴明的个人魅力深深折服;晴明亦被博雅正直的品德吸引。故事便从两人宿命相识,结下珍贵情谊开始。   宫廷内近来异事频发。左大臣藤原师辅之女诞下敦平亲王,婴儿降世却身负诅咒。晴明招来蜜虫(今井绘理子 饰)和神秘女子青音(小泉今日子 饰),与博雅一同化解恶咒,却反遭诬陷。原来一切皆是阴阳头道尊(真田广之 饰)所为。他利用左右大臣间矛盾与后妃间争宠频生事端,更欲召唤出150年前的最强怨灵早良亲王,将平安京彻底颠覆……   影片根据梦枕貘《阴阳师》系列小说改编。
泰勒(马修·布罗德里克 Matthew Broderick 饰)是一名电视节目制作人,混迹在鱼龙混杂的娱乐圈子里,泰勒沾染上了一身的臭毛病,赌博抽烟酗酒无所不能。一天,泰勒震惊的得知,自己的外甥女阿曼达(布兰特妮·斯诺 Brittany Snow 饰)竟然在拉斯维加斯做了脱衣舞女郎,在妻子的强烈要求下,泰勒只得踏上了前往拉斯维加斯的旅途,他的任务只有一个,就是劝说阿曼达改邪归正。  然而,上梁不正下梁歪的泰勒并没有足够的威信说服阿曼达弃恶从良,不仅如此,他也因为赌债而惹上了一身的麻烦。一连串意外的发生让泰勒和阿曼达同时感受到,他们已经深陷泥潭,是时候做出改变了。
Freddie Flintoff, Chris Harris and Paddy McGuinness head to the British Grand Prix for a showdown with a trio of F1's finest drivers. Elsewhere, Paddy pays tribute to the legendary Eddie Kidd OBE.
Bossen , Brauers , Groen , Jessica , Joes , Tonko , de
杰弗里(凯尔·麦克拉克伦 Kyle MacLachlan 饰)为了照料父亲而回到了久违的家乡小镇,哪知道在误打误撞之中令一场凶杀案件浮出水面,杰弗里就此结识了负责调查此案的警察威廉斯(乔治·迪克森 George Dickerson 饰),以及他的女儿桑迪(劳拉·邓恩 Laura Dern 饰)。桑迪告诉杰弗里,时间的真相或许和一个名叫多萝西(伊莎贝拉·罗西里尼 Isabella Rossellini 饰)的歌女有关。  美丽神秘的多萝西很快就令杰弗里失去了理智,他偷偷的潜入了多萝西家中,恰巧发现了多萝西正在被一个名为弗兰克(丹尼斯·霍珀 Dennis Hopper 饰)的黑帮大佬虐待的事实。此时的杰弗里才开始意识到,在自己的视线范围之外,发生着很多黑暗而又罪恶的可怕之事
The film opens with a narrated disclaimer over footage of an opening coffin. The narrator explains that the film's climax is so terrifying that it may kill the viewer, and reassures the audience that if they die of fright while watching the film, they will receive a free burial service, and it closes on the casket which has a card inside reading Reserved for You.[1]  Newlyweds Jenni (Peggy Webber) and Eric (John Hudson) move into Eric's palatial country home. Jenni is Eric's second wife; his first wife Marion died when she accidentally slipped and hit her head on the edge of a decorative pond on the estate. At the home they meet Eric's friends, the Reverend Snow (Russ Conway) and his wife (Toni Johnson), as well as Mickey (Alex Nicol), the developmentally disabled gardener. Eric privately mentions to the Snows that Jenni spent time in an asylum following the sudden death of both her parents, and Mrs. Snow reveals that Jenni is very wealthy.  Jenni is disturbed both by Mickey's belief that Marion's ghost wanders the estate and by Marion's self-portrait inside the house, which Jenni believes resembles her mother. When she begins to hear unexplained screaming noises and see skulls around her house, she believes that Marion is haunting her. Though Eric speculates to Jenni that Mickey, who was a childhood friend of Marion and thus dislikes Jenni, may be behind the trickery, Jenni worries that she is going insane. Eric then suggests to remove Marion's self-portrait from the home. Eric and Jenni take the painting outside and burn it. While they clean up the remains of the painting, a skull emerges from the ashes. While Jenni panics at the sight of the skull, Eric denies that the skull is there. Jenni faints and Eric withdraws the skull and hides it, revealing that he was responsible for the trickery all along in an effort to get hold of her wealth.  Believing she has finally lost her sanity, Jenni resolves to be committed. She tells Eric that the entire property will be meticulously searched for the skull as a last resort. Before Eric can retrieve it, Mickey secretly steals the skull and brings it to the Reverend, revealing Eric's plans. That night, Eric prepares to murder Jenni and stage it as a suicide. Jenni sees Marion's ghost in Mickey's greenhouse and flees back to the house. When she enters, Eric begins throttling her. The ghost then appears and chases Eric outside and about the property; it finally corners and attacks him, drowning him in the decorative pond.  After Jenni regains consciousness, the Snows arrive. Mrs. Snow comforts a hysterical Jenni and the Reverend discovers Eric's body in the pond. Some undisclosed time later, Jenni and the Snows depart from the house. Reverend Snow declares whether or not Marion's death was an accident will remain a mystery.
身患家族遗传斑毒的摸金校尉传人阿生,在父亲神秘离家两年后,意外发现了家中隐藏的金片,根据上面线索来到锦城,结识了好友白春城和白柳,三人一起踏上了寻找传说中的白狐大帝宝藏的旅途, 期间,遇到了同样窥探宝藏的滨田学者、金三及白狐大帝座下妖王赤狐将军都给阿生等人带来了大量麻烦,众人突破重重陷阱设计、险象环生,众人与滨田、赤狐斗智斗勇,一番决战之后,阿生凭借摸金绝艺与白春城合力战胜了邪恶势力。
故事发生在十九世纪的英国,霍布森(查尔斯·劳顿 Charles Laughton 饰)经营着一家鞋铺,辛辛苦苦拉扯着三个女儿玛姬(布伦达·德·班泽 Brenda De Banzie 饰)、爱丽丝(达芙妮·安德森 Daphne Anderson 饰)和维奇(普鲁内拉·斯凯尔斯 Prunella Scales 饰)长大,一转眼,三个姑娘都已经到了谈婚论嫁的年纪,但吝啬的霍布森并不准备支付女儿们的嫁妆。   玛姬爱上了鞋匠威利(约翰·米尔斯 John Mills 饰),尽管霍布森极力的反对这段不合时宜的感情,但独立好强的玛姬还是同威利结了婚。在玛姬的帮助下,威利的事业蒸蒸日上,很快便成为了霍布森最强劲的商业对手,与此同时,玛姬还帮助两个妹妹解决了嫁妆的难题。
总裁怎麼也想不到,妻子在五年前竟为他生了一对双胞胎儿子? 不料刚和妻子团聚,竟被心机妹妹砸成傻子?
At the time of the Polish social regime, a security officer is promoted to work at a prison yard. Introducing concurrently with the narrator; he speaks of himself, his thoughts, his point of view. He tells that he is not afraid of bandits or gangs; on the contrary he gets a kick out armed conflicts. To get a start in his new duty, he shops for a watchdog; and he buys an untrained attack dog as his companion. Then he speaks of the adjudications that the death sentence for fugitives is lacking influence. From his point of view, the judicatory tribunal must execute the fugitives in public. In the morning the next day he wears his uniform and start working with pride.   Whilst he is on his duty, a very harmonic music score begins to be played on the piano. The watchman spectates the peaceful life on the street. At that time we catch on that socialism is not a governmental regime; yet it's an uneducated behavior.   As a final scene the watchman witnesses of a cadet school's pupils being taught of the democracy. He leaves us with a confused smile.   A soft and likable thesis from the Polish director Kieslowski. You can find this short documentary as a special feature in his DVD of A Short Film About Killing. It could help you to compass his film language.
于观(张国立饰)、杨重(葛优饰)和马青(梁天饰)三人在北京开了一家“替人排优、替人解难、替人受过”的三T公司,专门替人解难、解闷、受过。他们碰到了形形色色的怪人和怪事,啼笑皆非,但都给应付了过去,公司业务兴隆,生意火爆。  一个要与女友分手又怕看女友掉泪的人找于观求助,于观受托约见刘美萍(马晓晴饰),十分含蓄地讲出问题并不断责备自己,泪流满面的刘美萍破涕为笑。后来,法院送来传票,勒令三T公司停业整顿,他们三人掏尽了所有的钱打发上门讨饭的顾客亲属,突然,马青说想要打人。大街上,他们肆意冲撞地些郁郁寡欢的中年人,可这些人只顾赶路,毫无反应。
A man finds out the child he has been raising for 9 years might not be his son after all. They then set out to find the real biological father.
美籍华裔导演Li-Shin Yu联手Ric Burns经过6年打造,以大量资料和采访,详述“不为很多人所知的一段美国历史”——1882-1943年,美国禁止中国工人移民到美国,是该国首次颁布法令禁掉一个特定族群进入。
It is winter in a prestigious all boys' boarding school, where children continue to practice age-old rituals and codes bound by years of hierarchy of the popular norm. Shay is picked at constantly, the main perpetrators being Arjun, the tall athletic sports captain and his best friend Baadal. Shay and Prithi, the spunky daughter of the new Junior School Principal are cast as Bassanio and Portia in the Founders Day production of Merchant of Venice. Murali, the charismatic drama teacher unknowingly adds salt to Baadal's wounds by casting him as Shay's understudy. Indignant, Baadal vows to get Shay's part at any cost and turns to his buddy Arjun for help. Events take a sinister turn when Shay walks in on Arjun, Baadal and their cronies on a debauched night.
不打不相识的周北北(陈燃 饰)和王嘉树(孙坚 饰)成为了恋人,在火速订婚后决定前往德国天鹅堡开始蜜月旅行。   然而,周北北的闺蜜们担心两人结婚只是一时冲动,遂私下决定要帮助北北验证嘉树是否靠谱。二人的蜜月计划被闺蜜们撞破,被迫变成了五人行。   旅途的风波出乎所有人的意料,途 中闹剧不断,闺蜜间渐生嫌隙,两人的爱情也面临告急……
严仲 , 何瑷云 , 卿爱华 , 曲龙 , 许成凤 , 高勇松
《忍无可忍》以女性应勇敢抗争为主题,片中有不少暴力镜头。  六年前,在餐馆打工的Slim(詹妮弗·洛佩兹 Jennifer Lopez 饰)被客人纠缠,幸得Mitch(比利·坎尔贝 Bill Campbell 饰)挺身而出,很快两人坠入爱河并结了婚。6年过去了,他们有了女儿Gracie,一家人过着平静富足的生活。但偶然,Slim发现Mitch和其他女人有染而发生了争吵被Mitch打伤,从此恶梦般的生活开始了。Mitch有严重暴力倾向,他的变本加厉彻底毁灭了Slim原本打算忍辱偷生的念头,不堪忍受痛苦的她带着女儿逃离了这个家。她们辗转于西亚图、旧金山等多个城市,却仍无法摆脱Slim幽灵一般的纠缠。Slim终于被逼到崩溃的边缘,她决定用最极端的方法来结束自己和女儿的恶梦——杀死Mitch......
因为体弱多病的顺伊(朴宝英 Bo-yeong Park 饰)需要疗养的缘故,顺伊母女三人从首尔搬家到了乡下的一栋别墅生活。而收拾屋子的时候顺伊意外的在仓库发现了神秘的前户主朴博士在这里遗留下了的狼孩(宋仲基 Joong-ki Song 饰)。顺伊妈妈出于善心收留了这个狼性未泯的男孩,并给他起名叫哲秀,就这样四个人开始了同住一个屋檐下的生活。顺伊起初反感这个不会说话,吃饭狼吞虎咽的闯入者,然而朝夕相处让顺伊萌生了照顾训练哲秀的念头。她开始教给他吃饭,读书,认字,还弹奏吉他给狼孩听,而哲秀对顺伊温暖的关怀十分受用,认真的做着顺伊教授给自己的东西。孤独的顺伊因为哲秀渐渐融入到自己的世界中而开心起来,对他产生了别样的爱恋。但是这份美好却被对狼孩虎视眈眈的智泰(刘延锡 Yeon-Seok Yoo 饰)打破,他一门心思的集结挑拨多方势力来捕杀哲秀。顺伊为了保护哲秀,不得不面临着与所爱的人分离的现实。  该片为导演赵成熙的首部商业电影处女作。